APPENDIX Z19: The Data

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 1:09 pm. No Comments.
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The Data
Comporting to the data v.
Data proving the hypothesis
Metaphysicians doing metaphysics seek an
hypothesis, at-a-minimum comporting to the data.
Metaphysicians seek ‘aesthetic elegance.’
Physicists doing physics want testability.
They want
data proving the hypothesis. To them, a successful
experiment is by denition elegant. To them, Grand
Theory metaphysics is not Center Stage – as by
it cannot be proven.
Now, Summa poses an
intriguing issue for physics.

Because, on the one hand, (innite) Summa cannot
necessarily be proven in the classic sense, which
would prefer. Eve though
it is always hard to prove the
innite and/or timeless.
But, on the other hand,
(a) Summa lls-in crucial and key gaps in physics
(b) No data or knowledge accumulated in the past
5,000+ years at all contradicts Summa.
No other metaphysics can make these claims.
Thus, the fully synchronous data underpins Summa,
Summa underpins physics and astrophysics et al.

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