The Philosophical Vanguard
by Vikas Sharma (Writer), India, November 20, 2014
The article is based upon the Potentialism Theory. It also explains the views and opinions of world’s famous researchers on this subject.
Potentialism Theory et al.
For the greater part of the last century, cosmology has increasingly moved to a mechanistic model of the universe. In particular, Randomness has become the central theme of the “hard” science community. Physicists have tried valiantly to prove the history and meaning of the universe in simple, mathematical and purely physical terms. Its ‘crowning achievement’ is Randomness. However, ‘crowning achievement’ does not always mean success (or validity), as we will see.
In Randomness cosmology, the universe exists without purpose or meaning or direction and is doomed to slowly decay into oblivion. But Randomness is like a 2-D impression of a three dimensional world. Cosmology itself is rooted in philosophy, not applied science. This is so for very good reason. The physical sciences alone cannot express the true nature and breadth of the universe. In their conceit, physicists have forgotten this important lesson; their only understanding one of the many pieces that make up the universe, have drawn skewed, incorrect and ignorant conclusions about the nature of the totality of existence.
The Advance Guard
But the overreach of the atheistic scientific community is being challenged in the 21st century. Cosmologists, metaphysicists and philosophers are reclaiming their home-ground and puling academia back from the precipice of ignorance. In particular, three brave men have answered the call for truth: David Birnbaum, Thomas Nagel and David Gelernter. Make no mistake about the brave part. The scientific community has fought bitterly to hold claim over cosmology – a discipline they are ill-equipped to understand much less teach. But these three men have blazed a trail towards a modern understanding of the cosmos in spite of the incessant ad hominem attacks of the academic orthodoxy – each of the three adding his own opus to the grander understanding of the universe. See ParadigmChallenge.com.
Each, in their own way, have added to a broader tapestry of understanding about the nature of cosmology. Gelernter has brought a resurgence of humanism into the cosmological debate. Nagel, for his part, has focused on the importance of the qualitative, something modern physics has ignored or dismissed entirely. Perhaps most audaciously, Birnbaum has not only pre-empted (in 1988 and 2005) many of the principles of Nagel (2012) and Gelernter (2014), but has brought spirituality itself into the fold of modern cosmological understanding.
1988 David Birnbaum
Independent metaphysicist and Harvard and Yeshiva educated, David Birnbaum sought to discover, describe and name that force of teleological impetus that drives the universe. See Outsider1000.com.
Beginning in 1988, Birnbaum released the first of his three-part treatise – Summa Metaphysica – describing the central force of universal creation and evolution – Potentialism. In Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory), the universe is driven by a universal Quest for Infinite Potential. Put simply, the universe is drive, teleologically, to seek out its own higher levels of potential and complexity. As a universe. Force of creation, Potential permeates every facet of existence – from the atoms to distant galaxies, driving the universe to greater levels of what Birnbaum calls Complexification.
Distinct from mechanistic complexity, Complexification describes increasing degrees of complexity on both quantitative and qualitative levels. It is an answer to Nagel’s query to come 24 years later in 2012. It is the missing element in the physical formula of universal origin and its continuing destination which accounts for both the physical and humanistic elements of the universe.
Potentialism is the evolution and culmination of cosmology – the unifier of physical science, humanistic philosophy and even the spiritual and religious. A wholly inclusive philosophy, Potentialism is, at once, just at home in explaining gravity and quantum mechanics as it is in describing the nature of spirituality and religion – and their respective places in the greater cosmological order. Where once people needed to look at the world from either a spiritual/religious perspective or a scientific one, Birnbaum has provided an overarching, metaphysical science where both can exist complimentary to each other. See PotentialismTheory.com.
This full-spectrum metaphysics breaks all convention, but is perhaps a reflection of Birnbaum’s Modern Orthodox (Jewish) upbringing, where the concept of synthesis (of timeless spiritual and contemporary science) is inculcated from the get-go. Of course hitherto it was inculcated without the underlying metaphysics to anchor it and underpin it. Now that metaphysics is, indeed, at-hand.
Indeed, the synthesis of Potentialism is perhaps why, as well, the (ever-synthesizing) Jesuit elite gravitate to Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory). Indeed, they backed the Birnbaum ‘race horse’ before the Modern Orthodox came on-board.
In any event, Birnbaum’s “macro view” of the universe has been fundamental in perceiving the greater underlying order of the cosmos itself. Where physical science saw the universe like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, Potentialism shows the universe in its full-spectrum totality as it strives towards ever greater-and-greater richness and wondrousness. See SummaMetaphysica.com.
2012: Thomas Nagel
Enter the second musketeer – Thomas Nagel of NYU. Comparatively soft-spoken, Nagel is a champion of the human mind and consciousness. Nagel attacks our perception of the universe both from a human and a physics perspective, arguing that neither is truly superior. He addresses physical properties as “primary qualities”, things which can be physically measured – like mass, shape and volume. However, he attributes just as much importance to “secondary qualities” – those which rely on human interpretation, such as color and taste. In a nutshell, it is the comparison to qualitative and quantitative measurement – Nagel arguing that ignoring either distorts our view and gives us an incomplete perspective on the true nature of an object.
By extension, this leads to a discussion of the nature of the purely qualitative – that which has no physical form. Thought, emotion, morality – anything which can be discussed and has an impact on the world around us. To Nagel, these concepts are just as legitimate as matter and energy – having a rightful place in the universe and, thus, necessary to consider if trying to have a full understanding on how the universe itself works.
To this end, Nagel has found evolution entirely insufficient to account for human intelligence. It must be remembered and understood that Nagel is an atheist. When he argues against the limitations of evolution, he is not arguing for the existence of the divine. He is simply stating that universal complexity is simply too much to be explained away by the purely mechanistic approach of biology, evolution and physics. Nagel, instead, works towards a cosmological theory based on teleology. To Nagel, the universe is simply too ordered to not be following some inherent “script” or design.
Interestingly, it has required a stunning amount of willful ignorance from the mainstream scientific community to dismiss Nagel. One of the founding principles of the competing Randomness theory is entropy – the theory that everything in the universe is in decay and falling apart. However, Nagel correctly illustrates this is simply not the case.
Unlike many theories, Randomness is rather easily refuted (dismissed) through simple observation of the world around us. Take, for instance, the earth. It would seem, reasonably, that if we were in the grips of entropy – we would start with the wonderfully complex world around us today with its myriad weather patterns, life forms and even humanity and devolve into some primitive, lifeless planet. That is very clearly not the case. In fact, the opposite has happened. For the entrenched British scientific community to, at the same time, champion evolution and declare us simultaneously in the hold of entropy is simply contradictory.
2014: David Gelernter
Gelernter has been the brazen champion of truth in modern cosmology. The most pugnacious into battle as it were. He has chosen to attack scientific academia head on for its cowardice, bullying and suppression of scientific discovery.
In 2014, Yale’s David Gelernter, stepped forward to issue a challenge to the scientific community at large. In the Closing of the Scientific Mind, computer science professor at Yale and parallel computing specialist, Gelernter, struck back in defense of discovery and the scientific process. He particularly attacked the scientific hubris which has been on a campaign to intimidate and destroy humanism in the scientific community.
Gelernter specifically singles out the importance of values, morality, spirituality and even beauty and religion in humankind’s broader understanding of the universe as a whole. In the scientific community’s rapidly increasing need to reduce the entirety of the universe to quantifiable values, they’ve morphed into an academic clique which attacks any semblance of humanism as invalid in understanding, truth and cosmology as a whole. Gelernter notes that a scientist has about as much understanding of humanism as the average man on the street has of quantum physics – and rightly so.
So, how has modern academia gotten away with slipping these blinders over people as a whole? Gelernter says the answer is obvious. Scientists have sought to, “belittle human life and values and virtues and civilization and moral, spiritual, and religious discoveries, which is all we human beings possess or ever will, they have outrun their own empiricism. They are abusing their cultural standing. Science has become an international bully.”
To Gelernter, modern scientific academia has become a sadly ironic parody of their greatest adversary. At one time, the religious authority of Europe (the Vatican) systematically sought to crush scientific discovery and progress for the sake of maintaining the dogma of the Catholic church. In a bizarre twist, the scientific atheist orthodoxy now seeks to do the same in defending itself against humanism and the broader spiritualistic cosmology. For this, Gelernter has called academics to task – and he’s done so with a righteous vengeance.
Birnbaum delineated a teleology and overarching dynamic to the Cosmic Order; Gelernter explained to us the lacking tools of physical science and Nagel re-enforced the necessity of some inherent “blueprint” to the cosmos.
It has always been known that physical science cannot understand the totality of the universe. Physics is not thought. Physics is not art. Physics is not morality. Yet, all these things exist in our universe. Physicists and the scientific community at large, in an attempt to hijack cosmological discourse, have sought to incorrectly banish humanism as myth – even as the evidence of this lie is self-evident. It’s as valid as trying to say liquid mechanics rules all matter universally by denying solids and gases exist. It’s, simply stated, ludicrous.
It would seem painfully clear that physicists are aware of this absurdity as well. As evidence, it should be noted the ceaseless attacks philosophers and humanists have been receiving. To be clear, it is not attacks on their positions that should be noted – that is the hallmark of good science and cross-examination is to be expected. No. What stands out are the personal attacks, academic intimidation and concerted character attacks being performed by academics to try and silence anyone brave enough to question established theory.
But the vanguard of 21st century cosmology has arrived. And they’ve no intention of being silent. Philosophy and metaphysics have come to reclaim their rightful place as the defenders of cosmology. See Hpuk2schemas.com
Three dynamic thinkers – with roots in Harvard, Yale and NYU – have taken on the entire entrenched Cambridge-Oxford axis. Do not bet against the Yanks. See SummaCoverage.com.
David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory:
The (brutal) Politics of Philosophy
November 19, 2014
What is the philosophical establishment to do when an Outsider cracks-the-cosmic code?
In 1988 David Birnbaum (see DavidBio1000.com) released the first volume of his 3-part work Summa Metaphysica on a new and revolutionary cosmological theory – Potentialism. A complete outsider to the philosophical establishment, Birnbaum broke with the reigning pinnacle academic hierarchy and its well-entrenched cosmological theory of Randomness. Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) was a sharp turn from the decay-laden and entropy-laden Randomness theory – upheld and fanatically defended by the atheist dominated academic establishment.
To the entrenched academic establishment, the universe is totally random, chaotic and without direction; to Birnbaum the universe has a consistent and inexorable drive and direction – it quests after its optimal/maximal potential. The two theories could not be more antithetical. Meanwhile, the Birnbaum theory continues to advance on the global chessboard. See Outsider1000.com.
Birnbaum (see ExaminerPurpose.com) had expected a level of resistance and doubt and had actually welcomed it. In the truest sense of scientific discovery, Birnbaum welcomed the chance for intellectual debate and discourse. To David Birnbaum, the strength of a theory relied on it standing the test of argument – if it were a sound theory, what was there to fear in discussing it?
In many respects, being an outsider is a great strength for theorists – Michael Faraday’s work on electro-magnetivity would give us the electric motor, Thomas Edison would light our cities, the Wright Brothers would lead us into the skies…
But one thing perhaps Birnbaum hadn’t counted on fully was that being an outsider makes you extremely threatening to the “establishment.” When an independent theorist makes a discovery, on the part of the theorist there is only elation and a desire to share the work with others. However, to an establishment that has made its career off the incumbent theory which now might be proven dead-wrong, there is often (quite) significant hostility. See SelectedRelated.com.
When Summa Metaphysica I was released in 1988 (by Ktav Publishing, NJ), Birnbaum was perhaps not ready for the vitriolic response of the entrenched academic community. By the release of Summa Metaphysica II (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) though, he was starting to get a taste of things to come. Birnbaum had expected the coming debates to be on the merits of his theory – Potentialism (see PotentialismTheory.com). What he got instead though was a concerted attack – via surrogates for Randomness/Atheism – on his character and credibility.
Quest for Potential Theory: Conference
In April 2012, Bard College hosted a 4-day international academic conference (see Conference1000.com) centered on Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and Potentialism. Birnbaum eagerly attended the event as a chance to reach out to other theorists and scientists and discuss Potentialism. By May of 2013,thirteen months later, not only was there a concerted attack against Potentialism and Birnbaum, but the academic establishment went so far as to threaten Bard College with global academic isolation – for the “crime” of allowing a competing theory of cosmology to even be heard.
Birnbaum was hardly the first targeted-hit of the academic atheist community. University Professor of Philosophy and Law at New York University, Thomas Nagel, had also been on the list of targets (see NagelFocus.com). In 2012, Nagel challenged Randomness theory in his book, Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press). Ironically, Nagel himself is an atheist. But his book touched on elements that allowed for competing theories. For such an unforgivable “sin,” he was viciously attacked as Birnbaum would be the same month, May 2013. What we witnessed was not a studied intellectual challenge to a theory – by serious academics based on a theory’s soundness, but rather a cavalier hysteria by a rabid junta – on the grounds of politics and academic protectionism.
The entrenched academic establishment’s attacks had become so vitriolic and detached from reason that Yale Professor David Gelernter struck back in a major piece in Commentary Magazine (January 2014), against what he called “locker-room braggadocio to belittle the human viewpoint.” Gelernter maintained that the personal attacks and character assaults were having a pervasive cooling effect on scientific thought, causing it to stagnate and atrophy. The title of Gelernter’s piece was The Closing of the Scientific Mind.
Quest for Potential Theory: Context
For anyone unfamiliar with Potentialism Theory’s paradigm-challenging theory, Summa Metaphysica has been assigned a Course Texts at over a dozen universities and colleges globally, including UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University. Far from being a fringe theory, Birnbaum’s powerful and elegant game-changer cosmology has stood the test of a quarter century of debate. Momentum for it globally as the most aesthetically elegant metaphysics grows steadily. It de facto supplants Randomness as the preeminent overarching metaphysics (see ParadigmChallenge.com).
The unfortunate truth is that many academics have devoted their entire careers to teaching Randomness and are much too heavily invested in it to be neutral arbiters. Their books, courses, fellowships, lecture series, and indeed, the life’s work of hundreds of major academics all risk being quite highly-devalued if intellectual maverick Birnbaum is indeed right – or even partially right. The trouble for the Insiders (Randomnist/Atheist academics) is that the odds are now better than 50/50 that the Outsider is right – and the Insiders – and almost the entire pinnacle academic establishment – were dead-wrong.
While academe’s mandate is always the objective and relentless pursuit of truth, the cold realities of
being swept-away by a paradigm change test the purest of souls. It is presumably only human nature to lash out at anything that could damage one’s life. It may never be within the capability of the incumbent academic establishment to accept intellectual defeat on a major scale; it may simply be too- much-to-bear for them to set-aside their politics and immediate self-interest – to accept something new – even it is demonstrably more powerful and elegant (see TheoryCore.com).
Max Planck, the father of quantum mechanics, once observed, “An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the new ideas from the beginning [of their own academic journey].”
Note that in the last 18 months alone over 80 major feature articles fully focused-on (and overwhelmingly simpatico-to) Summa Metaphysica’s groundbreaking Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) have appeared in journals globally (see SummaCoverage.com). The challenger Outsider would seem to have the clear edge in the quite-extraordinary sea-change global intellectual revolution now underway.
Quest for Potential Theory: The Summa series
Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988);
Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005);
Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014).
See SummaMetaphysica.com.
Quest for Potential Theory: Paradigm Challenge
Via his revolutionary true theory of everything (see TTOE1000.com), Birnbaum has instigated a global paradigm challenge (see ParadigmChallenge.com). Literally all fields of study are impacted. Birnbaum has lately picked up crucial support from key and elite American universities.
David Birnbaum himself is known globally, as well, as the author or the editor-in-chief of several important series on history and spirituality. His New Paradigm Matrix platform has over 180 Thought Leaders under its aegis.
Potentialism: The X-Factor
Posted by Admin on August 1st, 2014
In 1988, independent scholar and metaphysicist, David Birnbaum, set his sights on solving the most enigmatic puzzle ever known – the origins of the universe and its meaning. What he discovered would change modern cosmology.
Summa Methaphysica: The Theory of Potential
In his three part Summa Metaphysica series – Summa Metaphysica I (Ktav, 1988), Summa Metaphysica II (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Summa Metaphysica III (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014) – Birnbaum elucidates/hypothesizes the core dynamic that drives the entirety of the universe, his signature theme – the Quest for Infinite Potential.
The Equation
Explained more fully in the equation Q4P∞ → E+, Birnbaum explains that there is a fundamental drive in the universe that causes everything in it to forever, infinitely seek greater and greater potential; This dynamic strives for ever-greater levels of complexity as it seeks-after a super-complex state known as Extraordinariation.
Quest for Potential∞ > Extraordinariation: Birnbaum labels this equation the X-Factor.
By definition Potential/Possibility is eternal. Since there evidently IS a universe, it is self-evident that the possibility of a universe was eternal. Thus, Birnbaum has isolated on an eternal dynamic, infinite potential; he then spins and turbo-charges the term to net his centerpiece dynamic – Quest for Potential∞.
The Superlaw
The X-Factor is the equation, dynamic and superlaw – if you will – that defines the universe and the course of its progression. It is uniquely unique. It is the sole universal drive of cosmology. As such, its existence is so omnipresent it can literally hide in plain sight. The X-Factor is ultimately the overarching drive that governs everything – from science to emotion to ethics.
Philosophical & Mechanical
MIT professor and quantum mechanic Seth Lloyd elucidates a complementary theory in his later, related work Programming the Universe (First Vintage Books, 2006). Lloyd proposes that the universe can be hypothesized as computing itself.
What Lloyd is supporting mathematically is actually the mechanics of the X-Factor itself. Lloyd’s cosmology actually mathematically describes what Birnbaum had already expressed philosophically (see XQuantumUniverse.com)
The X-Factor is its own cause as well as its own result.
The X-Factor is what provides the universe with its own closed causal loop. Meaning, the X-Factor both ignited the universe and is the goal of the universe. The X-Factor equation is both the alpha and omega – the starting spark as well as the final destination – of the cosmic order.
A Busy Camper
Along the course of cosmic history, this X-Factor ignited the Big Bang and initiated Life. Consciousness, evolution, humanity, emotion et al. are all products of the X-Factor. With more new & original goodies presumably to come down the road….
Transcending Time / Infinitely nested
The X-Factor transcends linear time. It represents the past, present and future all simultaneously.
It is this infinitely nested causal loop that empowers Potentialism. Q4P∞ is pervasive, infinitely nested and thus telescoping in nature. It iterates and nests infinitely: Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential…
Pervasive & Overarching
What will give the layman the most hope though, is that the X-Factor is, as mentioned, pervasive. In that respect, it completely transcends the physical sciences.
Potentialism states that the X-Factor governs all of existence. That includes the non-physical – reason, emotion, love, morality. These things all fall under the influence of the X-Factor. So, while the physical universe continually grows in complexity, the rest of the universe grows as well. Emotions and morality strive towards higher degrees of perfection and complexity just as life and ecosystems grow more complex in parallel
Complexification (C+)
In fact, this model is so intrinsic to Potentialists, they don’t use the (usual) word complexity at all. Complexification (shorthand notation C+) is the proper term for this advance of complexity/sophistication/variety/wondrousness.
C+ is a term to account, not only for the more complex physical, but for all forms of complexity advance. Think of it in terms, if you will, of a piece of music.
If the music is written with more complex harmonies, it has objectively grown in tangible complexity. However, music can also evoke powerful emotions from a listener. To call that higher in complexity is hard to describe in physical terms – yet it is, obviously, noticeably more complex in what it evokes. C+ is the so to speak handmaiden of the X-Factor at work in the universe.
Plug-in / Unplug
Plug-in the X-Factor and a grand unified cosmology falls into place. Unplug the X-Factor, and we are left grasping for context, order and purpose.